Girls’ Trip to Charleston 2) Play Time Feb/Mar 2021
Alright, so we talked about food! Covered French, Italian, healthy, sports and rooftop bars and DOUGHNUTS! I may need a nap after all of that.
I must give a shout out to the hubby who sent us flowers and wished us a great time together!!! Wow! Super sweet!!!
Remember when I said with girls’ trips we get to take care of just “us.” No judging!
So, one of the things that does happen when we are together we overindulge. I’m sure you can imagine; chatting, eating, chatting, beveraging, chatting, girly things like shopping, spa days and did I say chatting? Sometimes chatting requires staying up past midnight, ok, 1:30 am, ok twice. Maybe up till 3:00 am another night. What can I say, “It happens.” And when you do that there must be a down day! A recovery day.
When you have a group of girls that is use to spending time together often and all of a sudden life comes to a halt due to unexpected world event, aka: Covid-19, we had a lot to catch up on. Hence chatting and late nights. And when ones are in their prime, recovery does not happen well or fast. Not complaining, too much.
Stopping for photo op at Battery defense sea-wall.
As I mentioned in Blog 1 we had a little adventure with renting bikes. Regardless, I highly recommend renting them. One day, two of us decided to go for an hour long ride through Charleston. It was wonderful. The weather was perfect. We rode through the Battery area which has a defense sea-wall, lovely park, historical homes and wonderful promenade which is now being lengthened. We rode by Rainbow Row (rainbow colored homes), down to the waterfront park to see the Pineapple fountain. Ending with a walk through the Historic City Market. Which, of course, we shopped for girly stuff and biscuits. Did I say biscuits? Back to food again? First let me tell you about the Market. It’s filled with jewelry, baskets, hats, shoes, and other nick racks, Most of it is covered and inclosed with NO air conditioning. There is one part of it, where the food is, that is air conditioning. That’s where the biscuits are. They are fabulous. Callie’s Hot Little Biscuits are the bomb! Yep, known to have been ordered, boarded a plane and given as treats when home. Just sayin’!
You know, last time I was in Charleston I was sharing my food experiences and how many fantastic restaurants this town has. My friend agreed and said, “Oh! You are experiencing the Charleston 15..” 15# that is…he was so right! We should have been renting those bikes more often!!!
We spend some time just hanging on the boat enjoying the sunrise (for some), sunset, reading, tanning, working out, napping, etc. We walked along the dock at the Marina. The Megadock. It hosts ‘Mega Yachts.” Some over 200ft. It’s quite entertaining and interesting to walk that dock. And very relaxing. We also painted watercolor seascapes. Surprisingly I was the instructor. I had never taught a painting class before but my friends are so supportive and thought it would be fun. And it was…In fact some actually bought their own painting materials when they got home so they can paint by them selves. They all went home with their own personal momento. Some of the girls had a chance to visit family they had not seen since before that Virus started. I was so happy they had that time and fortunate that I was able to see them as well. One of them was the one that mentioned the Charleston 15#. K, you nailed it on the head.
Watercolor art class on the boat…
Last but not least…..Shopping. What? You knew that was coming. I won’t divulge where we shopped but I can tell you that Charleston covers any style in fashion and home. Downtown offers anything from H&M to Madewell to Vineyards Vine to Louis Vuitton and Gucci and more. Pottery Barn , William Sonoma, West Elm and Aquisitions Interior for home furnishings. On some of the adjoining islands (via bridges) you can find Target, Belks, Athleta, West Marine and then some. Oh, and right near the airport is The Outlet Mall. Flight delayed…..go shopping. I’m sure you can get luggage there if needed. Come on…you don’t really want to sit in the airport waiting for you flight? Do you? HA! Okay, the delay has to be a little long.
We had a blast. I would not have changed a thing. Except we were missing a few peeps but that is where Covid-19 had let us. Everyone did what they were comfortable with. We missed them a lot but our “girl friend times'“ will be back soon enough and our time will be even better and I will feel more grateful when they do.